Without properly established occupational safety and health policies and procedures, it is

impossible to ensure a workplace is safe. And while that logic sounds obvious, many companies

continue to utilize outdated or incorrectly established occupational safety and health policies and

procedures, meaning that employees are at risk and the company is at risk of large fines from

OSHA citations.

Fortunately, most of the incorrectly established policies and procedures come from a few specific

areas of occupational safety and health. And of them all, none, perhaps, is more commonly

incorrect than in the area of lockout tagout. Lockout tagout policies and procedures are among

the hardest to properly establish, and certainly can be the most difficult to properly maintain. The

reason they are so difficult to work with is because they are governed by OSHA Standard

1910.147, which is notoriously convoluted. Additionally, a very technical knowledge of lockout

tagout is required to create lockout tagout policies and procedures, as there are so many variables

to account for. Further, any time there is a change to the facility location, the machinery within

the facility, or the personnel involved, the lockout tagout policies and procedures may need to be

updated and changed, meaning there is a need for ongoing technical knowledge.

Fortunately, we have designed a web based program which helps you to establish and track your

lockout tagout policies and procedures, called Factory Solutions Software. This gives you the

oversight and supervision of a leading lockout tagout third party auditing firm while leaving you

in control of your own policies and procedures.

If you have any questions about establishing policies and procedures for lockout tagout or about

our Factory Solutions Software, please contact us. If you have anything to add about the

importance of properly establishing lockout tagout policies and procedures, please leave a
