Lockout tagout is one of the most difficult areas of occupational safety and health for which to
create appropriate policies and procedures and to properly maintain, long term. The creation of
lockout tagout policies and procedures is so difficult because they are governed by OSHA
Standard 1910.147, which is famously difficult to understand and, at times, feels needlessly
complex. This makes it nearly impossible for anyone who is not a lockout tagout expert to create
functional, comprehensive policies and procedures.
But beyond that, the maintenance of these policies and procedures can be even more difficult.
This is because there are so many moving parts in lockout tagout. Anytime there is a change to
personnel, updates to machinery, relocation of the facility, or simply a redesign of how the
facility is set up, the policies and procedures need to be reviewed, and potentially updated. This
creates a situation where policies and procedures may need to be updated multiple times a year.
To combat this difficulty, many companies hire qualified third party lockout tagout auditing
firms to create, monitor, and maintain their policies and procedures. Unfortunately, anytime there
is a change needed between third party audits, the policies and procedures are out of compliance.
As such, there can be gaps and vulnerabilities in the lockout tagout policies and procedures.
To help with this, we have created Factory Solutions Software. This is a web-based program that
is fully customizable, fully scalable, and accessible anywhere there is an internet connection.
Within this software, you can create, track, and update your own lockout tagout policies and
procedures, under the guidance of a leading lockout tagout auditing firm. You get the instant
customization needed with the reliability and confidence a third party auditing firm provides.
If you have any questions about maintaining lockout tagout policies and procedures or about our
Factory Solutions Software, please contact us. If you have anything to add about maintaining
lockout tagout policies and procedures, please leave a comment.
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