When it comes to the world of occupational safety and health, there are few things which are

more difficult to manage than lockout tagout procedures. These procedures are inherently

difficult to properly create and, in many ways, even more difficult to effectively monitor and

maintain. Given their importance in workplace safety and the extreme risk which employees can

be in from improper lockout tagout procedures, lockout tagout citations on an OSHA audit are

extremely costly and carry hefty fines.

So to summarize, lockout tagout procedures are difficult to create, difficult to maintain, are

extremely important for workplace safety, and, if improperly created or maintained, will lead to

large fines. So, what is a company to do?

Some companies try to create, monitor, and change their lockout tagout procedures in house.

They consult OSHA Standard 1910.147 which governs lockout tagout procedures, and hope they

are doing it right. Others hire lockout tagout auditing firms to take over the responsibilities.

Unfortunately, the first option leaves a large margin for error and the second often can be very

expensive and takes all ownership out of the hands of management.

Fortunately, there is now a third option: lockout tagout monitoring software. Factory Solutions

Software is a web-based software accessible anywhere there is an internet connection. It is fully

scalable, fully customizable, and can be updated at any point. It is monitored by us, so you know

your updates will be in compliance, but allows management to make as many changes as needed,

every time machinery or personnel change, or equipment is moved.

If you have any questions about our Factory Solutions software, please contact us. If you have

anything to add about the importance of lockout tagout monitoring, please leave a comment.