Thanksgiving Safety Tips

Happy Thanksgiving from PF Safety. It is important to remember on Thanksgiving Day that accidents do not take holidays, and you need to remain cautious. One of the biggest hazards on Thanksgiving is house fires. Here are a few safety tips to help prevent a house fire, and to ensure your holiday is safe.

A new trend which has taken hold over the last few years is deep frying the turkey. If you plan to deep fry your turkey this year, do it outside, away from your house. When you fry the bird, make sure it is dry, and no grease can spill out. These hazards can cause a grease fire, which is extremely difficult to put out.

Another major fire hazard is found in the kitchen. You should never leave any cooking appliances unattended. On Thanksgiving Day, there are twice as many house fires as any other day during the year, and these fires are often caused in the kitchen from food left cooking unattended.

In order to help in the event a small fire starts, you should always keep a large lid in the kitchen, ready to smother the fire. This lid can prevent a Thanksgiving Day tragedy. If a fire starts that the lid can’t handle, or if a fire starts outside, it is also important to have a working fire extinguisher present.

Have a happy and safe holiday. If you should have any questions about workplace safety, please contact us. We will be here to help you all holiday season long.

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