Properly Communicating Safety Procedures

While there are many reasons for workplace accidents, unsafe acts by workers remains the largest problem. Studies indicate that anywhere fro 85% to 90% of all workplace accidents are caused by unsafe acts, which are things that could easily be prevented and avoided. Many of these acts are perpetrated by employees who either do not have the basic knowledge required to safely and effectively do their jobs, or by employees who are not made aware of specific safety guidelines pertaining to their jobs.

While individuals do bear some of the blame for their actions, a larger portion of that blame falls on the employer and the management team. It is the responsibility of management to ensure that every employee is capable of doing their job safely, and that every employee is following every procedure. If personal protective equipment should be worn, it is the duty of supervisors to ensure it is being worn, and the duty of ownership to ensure that supervisors are enforcing these rules. Similarly, an employee can not be expected to wear equipment that he or she does not know exists because that information was never passed down to him or her.

To avoid problems such as this, it is imperative that management institute clear and concise practices around safety, and that there is never an expectation of knowledge around safe practices. Until an employee is specifically given the safety procedures, and trained in safety, it is not fair to assume that they will work in a safe manner. You should not put your employees in this situation, as it is dangerous to them and opens you up to compliance issues.

If you do not have a comprehensive safety plan, it is time to get one. If you need help in writing one, it might be a good idea to hire a professional firm to help you organize your procedures to ensure they are up to code with OSHA requirements. If you would like some help in organizing your safety procedures, or if you would like to ensure that your procedures are adequate, please contact us so that we can assist you in ensuring your business is running safely. Please leave any comments you have about the importance of communicating safety procedures in the comments section.

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