Parts of a Safety and Health Management System

When evaluating your safety procedures, it is best to start with your Safety and Health Management System. If you do not have a Safety and Health Management System established for your business, it is crucial to incorporate one. These systems give you a central system to manage all aspects of safety for your business, which helps you to ensure compliance with OSHA.

The core elements of an effective Safety and Health Management System are: worksite analysis; hazard prevention and control; training for employees, supervisors, and managers; employee involvement; and commitment from management. By effectively implementing these elements into your system, they will become a core competency of your business, and thus an integral part of day to day business, ensuring you are consistently compliant.

If these parts are not all currently in your Safety and Health Management System, it is time to update your system. When updating or establishing a system, make sure you start with a serious worksite analysis. It is recommended you do this through a third party audit; professionals can often find hazards that your safety team has overlooked. Many auditing companies will also help you through the rest of the process of establishing a Safety and Health Management System.

If you have any questions about the parts of a Safety and Health Management System, or if you would like some information about an audit to get you started on setting up your system, please contact us. If you have any information you would like to add about Safety and Health Management Systems, please leave a comment.

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