Happy Holidays

We just wanted to wish everyone a safe and happy holiday season. Too often do we hear about holiday related incidents, both at work and home, so we decided to share some tips to stay safe this year.

Holiday Lights – Holiday lights are one of the worst culprits of holiday accidents. Please check any lights you buy for a label ensuring they have been tested by a third party for safety. It is not worth potentially starting a fire in your home or office to save a few cents a strand. In addition, you should never use more than three sets of lights on an extension cord. Find different outlets in your home or office, or run additional cords, if needed. Finally, turn off all lights if you are going out or going to sleep. The lights can short out and start a fire.

Fire Places – There might be no better feeling than sitting in front of a warm fire on a cold night with family around the holidays, but please do it safely. Before lighting the fire, please remove any decorations, papers, etc from the fireplace (this includes any stockings hanging above it). Also be cautious if you plan to use any fire salts; their colors can be very festive, but they can also be very harmful if eaten. Finally, do not burn wrapping paper, it can cause flash fires and is extremely dangerous.

Trees – If you have an artificial tree, make sure it is fire resistant, as with lights it is worth the extra few dollars to protect yourself from unneeded risks. If you have a real tree, make certain it is fresh and well watered. A dry tree is a serious fire hazard, and needs to be carefully monitored. No matter what kind of tree you have, you should never put it near a fireplace, radiator, vent, or other heat source.

Candles – Candles are great decorations, and add a lot to the season, but proper safety must be followed now, just the same as the rest of the year. Keep candles in a safe place, away from any combustible materials, and where they will not be knocked over. Place candles in non-flammable holders, never put them on trees. Finally, ensure there is nothing above the candle which can burn, many fires are started in bookshelves or other shelving units.

If you follow these tips, you will greatly reduce your chances of an accident during the holiday season. Again, have a safe and happy holiday season, and please feel free to leave comments with any of your holiday safety tips.

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