Benefits of Third Party Lockout Tagout Monitoring

Every good business has a specialty. For us, that specialty is Lockout Tagout auditing, procedure creation, and monitoring. We understand the importance of a well designed lockout tagout procedure and the potential consequences of poor monitoring. That is why we offer full wall-to-wall lockout tagout auditing services and 24/7 fully customizable monitoring software.

With every client, we recommend a three part monitoring process. The first step in the process is to set up a fully compliant and cost effective lockout tagout procedure. This procedure discusses everything about the lockout tagout process, and ensures your business is following all applicable OSHA standards. Once the procedure is finalized, it is your responsibility to enact the policy and enforce the rules.

But, we do have a system in place to help with that. We call it Factory Solutions, and it is a state of the art browser based program which allows you to monitor your lockout tagout procedures and compliance while allowing you to customize it in any way to keep your program up to date on your machinery and personnel changes.

Finally, we offer annual audits which will help you to ensure that nothing has changed in your lockout tagout needs or the OSHA guidelines. By auditing yourself annually, you are meeting OSHA’s requirements and ensuring that your business is protected against potential harm to your machinery and staff.

This three part process ensures that you are completely up to date and up to code in Lockout Tagout. By relenting the monitoring responsibilities to a third party, you are releasing yourself of the burden and entrusting the responsibility to trained, experienced professionals. If you have any questions about lockout tagout, please contact us. And if you have any other benefits to third party lockout monitoring, please leave a comment.

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