Auditing Lockout Tagout Procedures

Creating lockout tagout procedures is never an easy task; it can be difficult to understand OSHA Standard 1910.147, confusing to maintain the procedures, and time consuming to update lockout tagout procedures. But something you can do to save some time and help protect your employees is to create an auditing schedule for your lockout tagout procedures. The auditing can be done in house or with the help of a qualified third party lockout tagout auditing firm, but it should always include certain, basic things.

For starters, the audit should review current OSHA policy to ensure nothing has changed since the last review. It is likely that you will be out of compliance is the regulations changed, and is the easiest way to find yourself facing a hefty fine from OSHA. The audit should also review what changes have happened within your company since the last audit. If any machinery or relevant personnel have changed, you will want to see what, if any, impact these changes have on your lockout tagout procedures. Finally, you want to inspect your placards and other associated visuals. If they are damaged, worn, or out of date, they need to be replaced.

But based upon your specific company needs, there can be many other things required during the audit, as well. For this reason, many companies hire a third party to maintain their lockout tagout procedures. And while this helps to ensure the company remains in compliance, it can also become quite expensive, and takes the company out of control of their own procedures.

For this reason, we created our Factory Solutions Software. It is an online program which tracks and monitors your lockout tagout procedures. It is fully customizable, fully scalable, and can be updated anywhere internet is available. It will notify you if there is a problem, and will help you in updating your procedures. So it keeps you in control, but gives you the peace of mind knowing your procedures are watched by a qualified third party lockout tagout auditing firm. It also serves as constant, real-time auditing, instead of moment-in-time auditing you get with a physical audit. When combined with physical, on-site third party safety audits, Factory Solutions Software helps to create the safest work environment possible for your employees.

If you have any questions about third party safety audits or our Factory Solutions Software, please contact us. And if you have anything to add about auditing lockout tagout procedures, please leave a comment.

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