It is advisable to ensure your occupational safety and health policies and procedures are updated

on a frequent basis. They should be updated every time the regulations governing them change,

every time your facility changes, every time your personnel changes, or any time anything else

which applies to the policies change. For some parts of occupational safety and health, that might

mean once every handful of years. For others, it could be as often as multiple times a year.

Lockout tagout is one of those more commonly updated areas of occupational safety and health.

Every time a machine is upgrade or moved, the facility is moved, personnel change, or anything

else relating to lockout tagout changes, you need to properly update your lockout tagout

procedures. If you don’t, you will have outdated and inaccurate procedures, leaving your

employees exposed to potential injuries and your company exposed to potential fines.

Unfortunately, lockout tagout is governed by Standard 1910.147, which is one of the most

complicated standards in existence. It is long, convoluted, and easily misread. Because of this,

each time you change your procedures, you could be inadvertently creating an issue.

Fortunately, there is a new web based tool that can help you maintain your lockout tagout

procedures. It is our Factory Solutions Software. With it, you can upload your lockout tagout

procedures and change them from anywhere there is an internet connection. We monitor the

procedures to ensure any changes remain compliant, but leave you with the ability to update the

procedures whenever you need to.

If you have any questions about changing lockout tagout procedures or about our Factory

Solutions Software, please contact us. If you have anything to add about changing lockout tagout

procedures, please leave a comment.