There are literally hundreds of reasons why lockout tagout procedures may need to be updated or

changed. The most common involve upgrades to the facility, upgrades to the equipment in a

facility, relocation, or personnel changes. But whatever the reason, it is imperative you properly

change your lockout tagout procedures when you need to.

Unfortunately, most companies do not properly update their lockout tagout procedures when the

need arises. Sometimes, it is because the need goes unnoticed; a small change can have big

safety and health implications, but will often go unaccounted for. But most times, it is because

the updates made are inadequate or simply incorrect. This is because lockout tagout procedures

are among the most difficult procedures to create and maintain due to the complex nature of the

hazard and the difficult OSHA standard, Standard 1910.147, which governs it.

But no matter the reason, an improperly updated lockout tagout procedure is still an exception in

an OSHA audit and can still lead to serious injuries or fatalities for your employees. But short of

hiring a third party lockout tagout auditing firm, there is not much you can do to ensure your

updates are appropriate.

Or at least, there wasn’t anything which could be done. But now, we offer a fully customizable,

fully scalable, web-based service to monitor and update your lockout tagout procedures called

Factory Solutions Software. You simply update your current procedures and update them in

conjunction with plant and personnel changes. If your updates are not appropriate or do not

comply with Standard 1910.147, the program warns you, allowing you to know you always have

appropriate procedures.

If you have any questions about changing lockout tagout procedures or about our Factory

Solutions Software, please contact us. If you want to add anything about the importance of

properly updating lockout tagout procedures, please leave a comment.